WGTS 91.9 Says Thank You to Local Heroes
Johnny and Stacey Stone from Afternoons on WGTS 91.9 headed to Adventist Healthcare Shady Grove Medical Center recently to say "thank you" and "we are praying for you" to all of the health care workers there. They arrived at just as the evening shift was changing and kept their distance as they held up signs saying "Heroes" and "Air Hugs" to those coming into work.
"You could see the smiles on the faces of those coming in when they heard thank you or saw our signs," explained Johnny Stone. "Those coming out looked so overloaded but they laughed and waved at us when they heard us saying that they are amazing and that we are praying for them."
WGTS 91.9 plans to visit other hospitals and testing sites in the coming weeks to remind everyone that God is with them. They are also asking their listeners to make signs for health care workers, first responders and others who are essential and post them to social media with the hashtag #WGTSHeroes to thank these important people.
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