Connecting Columbia Union Seventh-day Adventists

Advertising, Subscription and Obituary Information


The Columbia Union Visitor is a 48-page, full-color news magazine for members of the Columbia Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. It is circulated to over 66,000 households in the Allegheny East, Allegheny West, Chesapeake, Mountain View, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Potomac conferences. This year we are publishing six issues, Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, May/June, July/Aug, Sept/Oct, and Nov/Dec.

Advertising space is provided to church and parachurch organizations and businesses that provide products or services in harmony with the mission and beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church ( The Columbia Union Visitor does not endorse or guarantee the integrity of any product or service advertised, and we reserve the right to refuse or discontinue advertisements at any time and edit advertisements to comply with editorial policies.


 First-time advertisers who are members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church must submit a letter of recommendation from their pastor or conference leadership, stating that they are members in good standing. Email is accepted for recommendations and ad submissions to Ricardo Bacchus,

Payment is expected by the ad submission deadline (schedule below). Checks and money orders are accepted, payable to Columbia Union Visitor, and mailed to Ricardo Bacchus, Advertising Manager, Columbia Union Visitor, 5427 Twin Knolls Rd., Columbia, MD 21045. For classified advertising, please include a paper copy of your ad text with payment.

Invoices are available upon request.

2024 Visitor Advertising Submission Deadlines (To be updated soon)

Display and Classified Ads:

January-February                                        November 28, 2022
March-April                                                   January 23, 2023
May-June                                                      March 27
July-August                                                   May 30
September-October                                      July 31
November-December                                   September 25

January-February                                        November 13, 2024
March-April                                                   January 22, 2024

Online Classified Ads:

—Posted within five business days after received.

Digital Ads (weekly):

—Switch out every Thursday.
—Ad submission deadline is no later than one week prior to posting date.
—Payment is due no later than with ad submission.

Advertising Rates and Information

Classified Advertising  (Print and Online)

Classified Ads (Print)—$60 for 50 words or less, .75 cents for each additional word over 50. Minimum: $60.
Classified Ads (Online on Visitor website)—$50 for 30-day post. Minimum: $50
Classified Box Ads (Print) Text centered in a box one-column width$120 for 80 words or less. Submit text only; we center in box.
Announcements (church and school events): $15 for 50 words or less; all others at classified rates.
Frequency Discounts: 10% for three or more ads posted in the classified section of the Bulletin Board, scheduled in consecutive issues and/or online ads for a minimum of 90 consecutive days. All types of classified ads can be combined to total three consecutive ads for the discount. 
Payment: Due with ad submission.

Invoices are available upon request.  
 How to Submit Display Ads:

Ads are accepted in the following formats: JPEG or PDF.

All files must be high resolution (at least 300 dpi). Please note that we do not make corrections to ads, so please send your ad in its final format.

Submit display ads to Ricardo Bacchus,, and copy Kelly Coe,

For questions about your display ad format or size, contact Kelly Coe,


Digital Advertising

Digital ad space is available for posting your digital ads on two Visitor platforms in 2024: the Visitor website,, and the weekly, Visitor News Bulletin (VNB) e-newsletter.

The VNB is the weekly email newsletter published by the Columbia Union Conference, designed to keep members informed and connected between issues of the monthly magazine. It includes news, photos and quotes and is circulated to church leaders, educators, pastors and members who read and share it with their networks.

Digital Ad Rates and Ad Specifications

$80 each; minimum 2 ads
4 ads/$288 (10% discount)
8 ads/$544 (15% discount)
12 ads/$768 (20% discount)

200 pixels wide by 400 pixels tall
72 dpi

Digital ads run weekly, submitted press-ready and switched out every Thursday.

The ad submission deadline is one week prior to date scheduled to run. Payment is due with ad submission.

Ad packages available.

Contact Ricardo Bacchus, (301) 335-8970 or


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