Terry Forde, President and CEO of Adventist HealthCare, headquartered in Montgomery County, Maryland, will step down from his role on Aug. 2 to become President and CEO of Health First, headquartered in Brevard County, Florida.
In 2021, Adventist HealthCare’s The Lourie Center for Children’s Social & Emotional Health was awarded a five-year, $2 million dollar grant to implement Family Attachment-focused Services, Treatment, & Training (FASTT) in Montgomery and Prince George’s County.
Washington Adventist University and Adventist HealthCare have renewed their long-held partnership toward enhancing education, training, and, ultimately, care for the community.
"This achievement represents years of hard work at every level of our organization," said Dan Cochran, president of Shady Grove Medical Center. "This five-star distinction is truly the mark of people and processes coming together to make sure our patients have the safest, highest quality care."
The depot gives moms who deliver at Shady Grove a new choice for feeding babies who are premature or who require additional nutrition: safe donor breast milk. For local nursing moms with extra milk, the depot provides a convenient way to donate the surplus.