During this special year, we invite you to join us in spending more time reading the Bible, digging deeper for knowledge and understanding, and meditating on its precepts, promises and prophecies. We're created the following resources to help.
This passage tells me that at Jesus’ second coming, our Lord will awake the righteous dead, and, together with the righteous living, take them up to heaven with Him. This culminating moment will not be a quiet one. It will be extremely loud, with angels shouting and blasting their trumpets. All in heaven and on earth will hear and know that Jesus reigns on high!
Have you witnessed a butterfly leaving its chrysalis? The cycle goes from a tiny egg to a caterpillar moving around and eating leaves, followed by the chrysalis phase, where other changes take place. Finally, the adult butterfly emerges from its cocoon. Scientists call this process metamorphosis, meaning transformation—a significant change in looks and character.
Years ago, I started college in Alabama. The degree I chose forced me to transfer to a sister school in California for nine months. An East Coast native, I told God that I would never end up this far away from home again. As they say, man plans, and God laughs.
I realize that whatever I go through in my flesh is because Jesus is allowing me to experience challenges for my best good. He wants me to someday be like Him (1 John 3:2).
The peace, joy and strength of choosing to walk in His way, rest in His truth and experience and anticipate His abundant life is daily encouragement for the world-ravaged soul.
The “glad tidings and great joy” that Jesus brought, and the gifts He gives, transcend economic barriers and earthly status. When it comes to God’s love, we’re all on the same level. One way we can reflect His love to our communities is to give graciously and continuously, just like He does for us.
Troubles won’t last always, but when they come—and many will in these last days—look for the miracles and the opportunities to witness the work of our God. He is able, and He is mighty to save!
We all may encounter self-doubts, whether via a thought-provoking book or another experience. But instead of focusing on our incomplete areas of healing, it is imperative that we continue accepting what God is accomplishing in and for us.