In a heartwarming celebration of a life well-lived, the Shiloh church in Cincinnati gathered earlier this year to honor Jessie Watson on her 100th birthday.
Allegheny West Conference’s (AWC) Education Department and the Columbia Union Conference are thrilled to announce a significant milestone in the history of Columbus Adventist Academy (CAA) in the expansion of its educational program to include a ninth-grade class beginning the 2024–25 school year.
In a remarkable display of faith amid sorrow, the Central church in Columbus, Ohio, witnessed a historic moment of spiritual rebirth during the funeral service of a beloved member’s son.
Allegheny West Conference’s Multicultural Department, in partnership with Mountain View Conference (MVC), recently went on a mission trip to India. Sixty-one missionaries got on a plane and arrived in the city of Hyderabad two days later.
From June 12–15, attend the Allegheny West Conference Camp Meeting, as they delve into the theme, “The Time Is Now,” focusing on the long-awaited, much-anticipated second coming of Christ.
Kelsi Bolden, a former vibraphonist student from Oberlin College and Conservatory of Music and a member of Allegheny West Conference's Park Street church, shares her faith with former classmates.
Two youth teams from Columbus Adventist Academy (Ohio), and one adult team from the Ephesus church in Columbus recently represented Alleheny West Conference in the 40th annual Bible Bowl.