July/August 2017 Feature: Cut From the Same Cloth
Story by Pat Humphrey | Photo by James Ferry
I believe we were called from the womb. We were even almost born at Camp Victory Lake (N.Y.) in Northeastern Conference,” says Patrick Graham (right), referring to himself and his identical twin brother, Paul, who have dedicated their lives to ministry.
Today Patrick still spends a fair amount of time at youth camps in his role as Youth and Children’s Ministries director for Allegheny East Conference. Paul is senior pastor of Potomac Conference’s Restoration Praise Center in Bowie, Md.
Though their job responsibilities are very different, the twins have much in common, and enjoy spending time together and comparing notes. “I am a little more administrative, and Paul loves the ground floor,” says Patrick.
What have they learned? “Being a minister isn’t about me helping to save others; it’s about God trying to save me,” says Paul, who has served in ministry for 23 years. And Patrick? “I have learned to brighten the corner where you are,” he says, after 16 years of ministry.
Read the July/August 2017 Visitor:
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