As the family deepened their relationship with Jesus together, they prayed for Cuffie to accept Christ too. Regular interactions allowed the children to share scriptures and read Bible stories with their grandfather almost every day.
Senior Helmi Calles recently received the 2021 Susan Berry Leadership award at RingFest, held in Toledo, Ohio. The award recognizes one bell choir student each year in the North American Division who “demonstrates outstanding leadership in the art of handbells.”
“Churches who purposefully practice the cycle of evangelism on a yearly basis have successful evangelistic series and are consistently growing,” says Yves Monnier, Ministerial and Evangelism director for the Pennsylvania Conference.
“When God’s people pray earnestly, sincerely, individually, and collectively, God will answer. Great things will happen in and among God’s people. And the world will feel the impact as the Holy Spirit comes to equip and empower His people. ... We have come to serious times. Events in our world call upon every follower of Christ to be totally in earnest in our relationship with God. ... We must learn the power of prayer” (Ellen G. White, Prayer, p. 3).
Every other Friday, students at Blue Mountain Academy (BMA) have Bible Lab—a day when students take what they’ve learned in Bible class and live it out.
God is on the move in Pennsylvania. When COVID-19 impacted the “120 in 2020” plan to hold 120 evangelistic meetings during 2020, the evangelism team simply moved those scheduled meetings to 2021.
This passage tells me that at Jesus’ second coming, our Lord will awake the righteous dead, and, together with the righteous living, take them up to heaven with Him. This culminating moment will not be a quiet one. It will be extremely loud, with angels shouting and blasting their trumpets. All in heaven and on earth will hear and know that Jesus reigns on high!