Connecting Columbia Union Seventh-day Adventists

Pennsylvania Conference

News from the Pennsylvania Conference of Seventh-day Adventists and its organizations.

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This passage tells me that at Jesus’ second coming, our Lord will awake the righteous dead, and, together with the righteous living, take them up to heaven with Him. This culminating moment will not be a quiet one. It will be extremely loud, with angels shouting and blasting their trumpets. All in heaven and on earth will hear and know that Jesus reigns on high!

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Have you witnessed a butterfly leaving its chrysalis? The cycle goes from a tiny egg to a caterpillar moving around and eating leaves, followed by the chrysalis phase, where other changes take place. Finally, the adult butterfly emerges from its cocoon. Scientists call this process metamorphosis, meaning transformation—a significant change in looks and character.

Stewart Lozensky, Church Regeneration

Stewart Lozensky, director of the Church Regeneration Department, is currently in the process of helping 20 churches reach their full potential. Regeneration is an initiative by the Pennsylvania Conference in which there is partnership with churches to provide extra resources, training and mentoring to advance the local churches’ growth objectives.