Pennsylvania Conference Mission and Evangelism Center Dedicated
Story by Tamyra Horst
Hundreds of people recently gathered for the dedication of the new Pennsylvania Conference office—a Mission and Evangelism Center intentionally designed to advance God’s work across the state. Hundreds of camp meeting attendees gathered to be a part of this historic moment, including all the children from the different Sabbath School divisions who sang “Jesus Loves Me.”
Conference and Columbia Union leaders prayed, not only for the building, but for the leadership and staff, the churches and schools, and those who will be reached with the gospel, giving thanks to God for the ways that He has blessed and provided.
One of the features of the new Mission and Evangelism Center is the auditorium, which is equipped to video and livestream trainings and events. Resources will be produced to equip churches and schools to reach their communities with the message of Jesus’ soon return. The center is also home to the CORE school of evangelism where young adults spend a year learning in the classroom and sharing the gospel through hands-on experiences.
To watch a virtual tour of the building in either English or Spanish, visit vimeo.com/paconference.
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