Adventist Education: A Classroom for God’s Love
Editorial by Leona Bange
In a world of constant change, teachers in the Pennsylvania Conference have demonstrated that God’s love is consistent. Teachers continue to provide loving, caring, nurturing classroom environments that allow students to safely reintegrate into face-to-face learning. Laughter fills the hallways. Smiles are seen behind desks. Waves of singing bounce off classroom walls. And the sweet prayers of little children ascend daily in every school.
The love of Jesus expressed at school carries into the home atmosphere. One teacher told of a mother who came to a parent-teacher conference and asked, “Do you teach the children to sing at school? My son does his homework and sings. I don’t know the songs, but they are good songs with good messages.” A discussion of God’s love and the Bible stories taught at school followed.
“My relationship with my parents is changing now that I have drawn closer to God,” writes one student. “I have started to tell my parents things about God, which is pulling them closer to God than they have ever been before.”
In yet another school, Bible studies have resulted in five students giving their lives to Jesus through baptism. Continue to pray for our teachers as they share God’s love and the good news of His soon return.
Leona Bange serves as the education superintendent for the Pennsylvania Conference.
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