Hundreds of people recently gathered for the dedication of the new Pennsylvania Conference office—a Mission and Evangelism Center intentionally designed to advance God’s work across the state.
My wife and I returned from vacation to find that our garden had really grown. We had some catching up to do to bind the tomato plants and weed the grow boxes. She is, by far, the main gardener, and for that I am thankful. Our garden illustrates how quickly healthy plants grow.
When five students show up late for school registration, the principal assigns them to a new initiative called “The Ambassadors.” At first, none of the students take the assignment seriously, but eventually something that started out as a project changes their lives forever.
Will Peterson, executive secretary for the Pennsylvania Conference, plans to retire September 1. Shawn Shives, assistant to the president, will step into this role following Peterson's retirement.
Huntingdon Valley Christian Academy is situated on a large plot of land in the Philadelphia suburbs. School supporters have long considered creating a garden on a portion of the property to benefit the students and community.
Educators have embraced the new frontier of hybrid instruction and have adapted their classrooms in a way that would never have been conceived prior to the pandemic shutdown.
Students from Pennsylvania Conference's CORE—an evangelism and training program—recently ministered to refugee communities in Houston, Texas, with Reach the World Next Door, giving them the opportunity to learn crosscultural witnessing.