Stewart Lozensky recently joined the Pennsylvania Conference to serve as the church regeneration director, a newly created role to help plateaued and declining churches grow again and reach their communities with the gospel.
“Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven” (Matt. 18:19, NKJV).
“This year’s FOCUS week impacted our staff and students in a powerful way, causing them to grow in their relationship with Christ and strengthen their understanding and desire for the Word of God,” says Burney Culpepper, principal.
Kate Sharbaugh, says they have seen many examples of God blessing the pantry. “We are giving it, and all its needs, over to Him. We want the pantry to be not only a way for people to get food, but, more importantly, a way for them to come to know Jesus.”
The Pennsylvania Conference is embarking on the biggest evangelism initiative in its history: 120 evangelistic events in 2021. More people are involved than ever—praying, sharing Bible studies, learning to preach and inviting others to attend the meetings.