This verse became particular meaningful to me during the COVID-19 pandemic, because this crisis, and the other crises plaguing our world today, are sure signs of Jesus’ soon return.
This inspired counsel has helped me safely navigate many storms and winds of doctrine that have buffeted the Remnant Church during my 45 years as a member and 20 as a pastor.
Students from Pennsylvania Conference's Blue Mountain Academy (BMA) bring a rich diversity to campus as they learn different perspectives and how to excel
in a multicultural, multi-ethnic environment, preparing them for the future in a diverse world.
As we pray together, God promises to answer. Lives are changed, healing happens, people come to know God. Prayer is one of the most powerful things God’s people can do.
Through the podcast episodes, Matthew White’s goal is to reach as many people around the world as possible with stories, facts and fun activities about nature and science—from a Christian perspective.