December 27, 2021: Hold On to the Rock
“My soul clings to You; Your right hand upholds me” (Ps. 63:8, NASB).
An item on my bucket list is to climb the Sydney Harbour Bridge in Australia. Adventurers who cross the structure for a 360-degree view of the waterfront city must wear a special suit that straps them to a railing. Gale winds at the summit can reach 55 miles per hour, enough force to rip a roof off a building.
Securing people to a structure for safety harkens back to ancient Greek literature. In Homer’s epic Odyssey, the hero Odysseus’ ship passes by Sirens, monsters disguised as beautiful women who sing enchanting melodies and lure sailors to their deaths. Odysseus demands to be strapped to the mast so he can hear the music but not be enticed by the Sirens.
The secular world sings a special “Siren” song to each of us that can shipwreck our faith. We all struggle with something—alcohol, sex, drugs, pornography, other vices and issues—that distracts us from our Creator. I have often clutched at food for comfort when I should have clung to God. The pleasures that evil provides seem highly entertaining in the moment. As the end of time grows closer, the devil goes about like a roaring lion seeking to devour us, just as the Sirens sought to devour Odysseus. He pinpoints our weaknesses and desires and targets us with gale-force temptations to lure us away from God to our downfall.
When we spend time in God’s Word and prayer, we shore up our harnesses to a Rock that will hold us steady when temptation blows in.
Protector God, we have no power in our own strength to resist the temptations that buffet us from all sides. Help us to cling to You and uphold us when our strength fails. Amen.
Connie Kuykendall is a member of the Far West End church in Virginia.