During this special year, we invite you to join us in spending more time reading the Bible, digging deeper for knowledge and understanding, and meditating on its precepts, promises and prophecies. We're created the following resources to help.
No matter what is happening in this world, God’s promise is an intimate, continual guarantee for our eternal existence through His real presence. We can share His presence continually through His Word, the Holy Spirit, our guardian angel and devotional life.
When I was 7-years-old, my grandmother discovered the Seventh-day Adventist faith. Every Friday night, she took me with her to an Adventist neighbor’s house to welcome the Sabbath. After we attended a few times, I asked her why we were worshipping on Saturday instead of Sunday. She explained to me that the Bible said God created the Sabbath for us when He created the world. We began reading the Bible together so I could learn more.
As an accountant by profession, I have often counseled my clients, wherever appropriate, to prove God’s Word when it comes to finances. I know this also from personal experience.
David is drawing from the book of nature to tell us to thrust our roots deep into the Word of God amid the spiritual drought that surrounds us to find the living waters that will enable us to grow tall and allow us to flourish and bear the fruit of the Spirit.
The intended meaning of the golden rule is to put yourself in someone else’s shoes. How would you want to be treated if the roles were reversed? I know I’d prefer to be treated with love and respect.
It had been a difficult and long month. Rent was due, and we were running out of diapers and food. We were going crazy.
On Friday evening, after our “Sabbath Welcome” worship, I prayed, “Lord, I can’t carry these worries into the Sabbath. I’m just going to give them to you! I know You will take care of us.” At that moment, an amazing peace entered my heart.