December 24, 2021: Look for the Miracles
“I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living” (Ps. 27:13, NKJV).
Have you noticed that in the difficult times we’re living in, there have also been many miracles? For example, during the coronavirus pandemic, a young husband and father from New Jersey was on a ventilator, and doctors prepared his family for the worst. His sister sent out a desperate plea for prayer, people everywhere interceded for him, and, against all odds, he recovered. “God defies science!” she later testified, “He performed a miracle for my brother!”
The Bible recounts many miracles. Miracles happened when there was someone in need, in trouble, or in crisis. When our world was in crisis, Jesus came to earth to save us. Our Miracle came wrapped in swaddling clothing and spent His first nights in a stable. During His ministry, Jesus fed a hungry crowd with just two fish and five loaves of bread. He healed the sick, the blind, the lame and calmed the storms. In each situation, Jesus defied the odds and expectations and brought healing, restoration and peace. His miracles made doubters believe, set captives free and saved sinners.
At a well, Jesus met a woman who was lost and empty, and transformed her life and the lives of the people in her town. When Jesus transforms our lives, that’s the greatest of all miracles.
Troubles won’t last always, but when they come—and many will in these last days—look for the miracles and the opportunities to witness the work of our God. He is able, and He is mighty to save!
Dear God, thank You for the miracles—evidence of Your goodness and grace. Amen.
Celeste Ryan Blyden is the vice president for Strategic Communication and Public Relations for the Columbia Union Conference, and editor and publisher of the Visitor magazine.