Jesus made three things about Himself clear to those who questioned His identity or the veracity of His claims: He knew Who He was, to Whom He belonged, and where He was going.
High schoolers recently gathered for “Generation Rain” at Highland View Academy in Hagerstown, Md., to meet new friends and learn more about discovering their purpose.
Since the COVID-19 pandemic began in March 2020, Highland View Academy (HVA) has experienced miraculous protection from the virus on campus and among its faculty and students.
Living during a pandemic is not something any of us ever expected to experience, but here we are, two years into the COVID-19 crisis. We each have a unique perspective and have been impacted in different ways—none of us have been untouched.
Spencerville Adventist Academy (SAA) students and staff recently partnered with Adventist Community Services of Greater Washington (ACSGW) to organize and pack 50 boxes of food in preparation for distribution. There has been an increase of people in need, including a number of recent refugee families from Afghanistan.
It was the summer of 2020. The pandemic was raging in full force. Chelsea Calhoun, principal and head teacher of the Dover First Christian School (DFCS) in Delaware, worked with the school board to develop safety protocols for a planned return to in-person learning in the fall.
In January 2020, the leadership team at the Bell Branch church in Gambrills, Md., prayed that God would bring five new people into their church. Then COVID-19 hit.
Spencerville Adventist Academy (SAA) recently earned the National Certificate for STEM Excellence (NCSE), a Campus Certification from the National Institute for STEM Education (NISE). SAA is one of only 56 schools in the nation to have earned this national certificate.
I was wrestling with a difficult decision. I knew what I wanted to do, but I had no peace. As I was lying in bed weeping over my decision, a friend called me up and said, “Janesta, I was having my devotions, and God told me I should call you.”