Connecting Columbia Union Seventh-day Adventists

Chesapeake Conference

Pulled Back From the Brink, Chesapeake Conference, jerry lutz, Christian education

The early years of my public school education, from kindergarten through junior high school, consisted of the traditional state-mandated curriculum of the three “Rs” (Reading, Writing, Arithmetic), along with evolutionary science taught mostly by avowed atheists and agonistics. The only time “God” was ever mentioned in my school was first thing in the morning during the required student recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance, as we stood next to our desks facing the American flag with hand-over-heart.

Hagerstown Hosts Public Car Show, Chesapeake Conference, John Earnhardt, NASCAR

The Hagerstown (Md.) church recently transformed its parking lot into a showcase of polished chrome and gleaming paintwork, hosting its inaugural Car, Truck, and Motorcycle Show. The event, which drew more than 300 people, featured John Earnhardt, the cousin of the late NASCAR legend Dale Earnhardt and a Seventh-day Adventist, as the special guest and emcee.