Columbia Union Conference to Host 28th Constituency Meeting
On May 22 and 23, 300 delegates, including pastors, members and leaders representing churches, conferences, schools, healthcare networks, and ministries from across the Columbia Union Conference territory will gather virtually for the Columbia Union Conference’s 28th quinquennial constituency meeting.
“The agenda includes the election of union leaders for the next five years, updates to the Constitution and Bylaws, an audit report as well as reports from leadership of the union’s various institutions,” says Rick Remmers, executive secretary for the Columbia Union, whose office heads the meeting planning committee. “Sometimes people are tempted to devalue the reports, but they are an important part of creating transparency and accountability.”
The theme for the two-day meeting is “Share the Word” which ties into the union’s yearlong emphasis on the Bible. In a report to constituents, Dave Weigley, union president, explained the impetus for this focus: “Adventists used to be known as people of the Book. And while there’s plenty to read, the Bible remains our only guide and test of experience. Here is an opportunity for us to focus on the primacy of the Word of God, to study the word, live the word, share the word, and deepen our walk with God who speaks to us through His Holy Word.”
The event will begin on Saturday, May 22 at 7:15 p.m. with “A Time of Praise and Celebration” that includes spotlights on members and ministries around the union. The program will feature one story from each of the union’s eight conferences, including the Allegheny East Conference’s Capitol Hill Counseling and Resource Center; Mountain View Conference’s Parkersburg Adventist Academy; and New Jersey Conference’s Grace Place Church Plant. Delegates will see video stories, testimonies, and live interviews with members who have found creative ways to grow their churches and reach their communities. In addition, each conference president will reflect on how they are working to advance mission in their field through evangelism, education and ministry initiatives.”
“This program will be a celebration of what God has done and continues to do in and through His people in our union family,” says Celeste Ryan Blyden, vice president for Strategic Communication. “It’s a chance to pause and appreciate what has been accomplished during the last five years, and hear how God has blessed the collective efforts of members and leaders working together.”
That night, the Nominating Committee, which met virtually on May 2, will bring its first report to elect union executive officers for the 2021-2026 term.
The meeting will continue Sunday with reports from Secretariat about membership, Treasury on the union’s financial status, Auditing and the Constitution and Bylaws Committee. In addition, delegates will hear reports from the presidents of the union’s entities and ministries, including Adventist HealthCare, Kettering Adventist HealthCare, Washington Adventist University and WGTS 91.9 radio ministry.
The nominating committee will present additional reports to elect vice presidents, as well as members of the Board of Education, Constitution and Bylaws Committee, Association Board and Executive Committee for the next five years.
Members can watch the two-day proceedings at facebook.com/columbiaunionvisitor and columbiaunionvisitor.com/sessionvideo and share stories of how God has worked through their local churches and schools by posting on social media using the event hashtags #columbiaunion and #sharetheword.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who are the delegates and how are they chosen?
Each local conference Executive Committee selects delegates to represent their conference. The delegates also include representatives from the Columbia Union office, Washington Adventist University, Kettering Adventist HealthCare and Adventist HealthCare.
What is the agenda for the meeting?
Click here
When does the nominating committee meet?
The nominating committee met May 2
Will the session be held in person?
The meeting will be held virtually using secure online platforms.
How can I watch the session?
Visit columbiaunionvisitor.com/2021sessionvideo and youtube.com/columbiaunion on May 22 and 23.
The meeting begins Sabbath, May 22 at 7:15 p.m. Eastern Time, and continues Sunday, May 22 at 9 a.m. Delegates must register, but anyone can watch the livestreams.
Will the session be archived? Will I have access to the recordings?
Yes, the session will be recorded and archived on columbiaunionvisitor.com and columbiaunion.org.
Links to Video and Online Reports (Coming soon)
- Read the 2016-2021 28th Columbia Union Conference Constituency Report
- Watch the 2016-2021 President’s Video Report
- Watch the 2016-2021 Executive Secretary’s Video Report
- Watch the 2016-2021 Treasurer’s Video Report
- Watch the 2016-2021 May 22 and May 23 meeting archives
- Watch the Adventist HealthCare Report
- Watch the Kettering Adventist HealthCare Report
- Watch the Washington Adventist University Report
- Watch the WGTS Report
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