Impact One
Editorial by Gary Gibbs
After entering church leadership years ago, I realized something vital was missing in my spiritual life. The spark just wasn’t there. As I prayerfully considered this, God directed me to a principle of spiritual vitality from Ellen White: “Truth that is not lived, that is not imparted to others, loses its life-giving power, its healing virtue” (Testimonies for the Church, vol. 8, p. 47, author’s emphasis). In the busyness of administration, I had stopped personally sharing the gospel. The result was lukewarm faith.
I asked God to help me find others who were interested in studying the Bible. Within a week, He had led me to Al and Billie. We began studies that resulted in their baptisms—and to my faith reigniting. That’s when I discovered this dynamic reality—if each member reaches one person a year for Jesus, we will not only come alive spiritually, but we will double the number of people in our churches!
This is the purpose of our conference-wide initiative called Impact One. In 2023, we are challenging every member to go on an adventure with the Holy Spirit, asking Him to use them to eternally impact one other life for Jesus.
One of the great things about Impact One is that we will do this together. We recently recorded the Winsome Witnessing training program in the TV studio at our new Mission and Evangelism Center. These videos are being used in our churches to inspire and instruct members on how to impact one other person for God’s kingdom. You can be a part of a Winsome Witnessing group and experience a faith on fire and the joy of leading someone to Jesus.
My wife, Sherilyn, and I again asked God to use us, and it wasn’t long before we each had Bible studies going. We are excited to see what God is going to do in 2023—in our lives, your life and in our churches!
Gary Gibbs serves as the president of the Pennsylvania Conference.
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