Blue Mountain Seventh-day Adventist Elementary School (BME) staff in Hamburg weren’t sure if BME would open as scheduled this year after an EF-1 tornado destroyed the building this summer. The twister removed most of the classrooms’ roof, completely removed the gym roof and knocked down several walls.
The North American Division (NAD) recently awarded Jeanne Hartwell, Pennsylvania Conference Family Ministries director, and Ray Hartwell, Pennsylvania Conference president, the Distinguished Service Award in Family Life during the Adventist Conference on Family Research & Practice (ACFRP) at Andrews University in Michigan.
The Pennsylvania Conference leadership team welcomes Pastor Gabriel Montalvo as the new conference Hispanic Ministries director. Juan Lopez, the previous director, retired this summer.
The Wilkes Barre Hispanic church’s Día del Niño (Children’s Day) event at Kirby Park in Kingston was full of activities, including face painting, piñatas, bounce houses and a water balloon battle.
Want to help Pennsylvania Conference's Blue Mountain Seventh-day Adventist Elementary School in Hamburg that was recently destroyed by a tornado? Help the school prepare for the 2015-16 school year by sending supply donations.
On Thursday, July 9 at approximately 6:45 p.m., a powerful storm struck Pennsylvania Conference's Blue Mountain Seventh-day Adventist Elementary School (BME) in Hamburg, Pa., taking off the roof, destroying the gym and knocking down several walls of the 46 year old brick str
On Thursday at approximately 6:45 p.m., a powerful storm struck Blue Mountain Seventh-day Adventist Elementary School (BME), Hamburg, Pa., taking off the roof, destroying the gym, and knocking down several walls of the 46 year old brick structure. Principal Rachel Wardecke was alone in the building at the time.