What is your Greatest Takeaway From the Emotional Wellness Summit?
The Emotional Wellness Summit, held January 13-17 in Orlando, Fla., was designed for health professionals and leaders, pastors and those who want to know more about prevention, treatment and recovery strategies for better mental health. Two union attendees answer our question about the event, sponsored by the North American Division Adventist Health Ministries, the South American Division and General Conference:

As a licensed counselor, it was validating to be in the presence of so many children of God from around the globe who [feel] called to minister to people’s psychological needs. There were four talks on Sabbath morning that related to childhood trauma and resiliency. It was great to hear case studies and how specific biblical principals were relevant to [their] healing process.—Marissa Smale, MA, LPC, a member of Pennsylvania Conference’s Bucks County church in Philadelphia
It was encouraging to meet Adventist professionals whose ministries impact mental well-being. Workshops and meetings focusing on suicide, trauma, grief and addictions gave me valuable resources to help with my clients and inspiration for church ministry. Our call, “Saved to Serve,” becomes more sure when our Christ-centered health message appropriately includes emotional wellness.—Robert Davidson, MA, NCC, a member of Potomac Conference’s Silver Spring (Md.) church
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