Pastor Gabriel Montalvo, Hispanic coordinator for the Pennsylvania Conference unexpectedly passed away October 1. The Pennsylvania Conference issued the following statement.
Thursday night at approximately 9:15 pm a fire was spotted in one of the barns that a local farmer uses to store his equipment and some bales of hay on the campus of Blue Mountain Academy (BMA), Hamburg, Pa.
Tamyra Horst, founder of the Pennsylvania Conference’s Princess Tea events, grew up a shy, fearful girl into an insecure teen and young woman. “I didn’t believe in myself or have any confidence at all,” Horst says. “But God loved me. And His love and learning to believe that He loved me and had a plan, began changing me.”
For more than five years, the Pennsylvania Conference has hosted regional robotics events at Blue Mountain Academy in Hamburg. The FIRST LEGO League and Adventist Robotics League provide opportunities for all young people to experience exciting “real-world” applications while upholding the values and integrity of a well-rounded Adventist education.
Church members interested in spending a year as an urban missionary while earning university credit should consider applying now for the June 2016 cohort with REACH. Apply online at:
The Emotional Wellness Summit, held January 13-17 in Orlando, Fla., was designed for health professionals and leaders, pastors and those who want to know more about prevention, treatment and recovery strategies for better mental health. Two union attendees answer our question aboutthe event, sponsored by the North American Division Adventist Health Ministries, the South American Division and General Conference.
Disapointed by the lack of quality, online streaming options for his family, Edward Veve, a member of Pennsylvania Conference's Landsdale church, created Morningstar Video.