The Columbia Union Conference President’s Council recently appointed several of local conference ministry directors to serve as union-wide coordinators for the next two and a half years.
To fill the void left by the closing of the Adventist Book Center on their Hamburg, Pa., campus, Blue Mountain Academy (BMA) leaders recently opened a health-food store.
Have you ever tried to come up with a theme for your women's ministries event but just couldn't think of anything? Tamyra Horst, Women's Ministries director for the Pennsylvania Conference, shares some ideas.
Blue Mountain Academy has successfully continued to build on its efforts to strengthen a global program that allows American students to sit side by side with students from around the world, as they and staff members learn from educators in other countries.
Ray Hartwell, Pennsylvania Conference president, has accepted a call to the Georgia-Cumberland Conference to serve as the Stewardship and Trust Services director and Association secretary beginning January 1.
Church members from eastern Pennsylvania drove across the state one Sabbath afternoon, carpooling in vans, cars and buses, to help western Pennsylvania congregations prepare for the Faith for Family evangelistic efforts held this fall. Together these new friends went door to door, distributing literature and invitations to the series.
Pastor Gabriel Montalvo, Hispanic coordinator for the Pennsylvania Conference unexpectedly passed away October 1. The Pennsylvania Conference issued the following statement.
Thursday night at approximately 9:15 pm a fire was spotted in one of the barns that a local farmer uses to store his equipment and some bales of hay on the campus of Blue Mountain Academy (BMA), Hamburg, Pa.