Our Pennsylvania leadership team and Executive Committee members have been praying for unity across our conference. This fall we saw an example of what happens when God’s people unite for a common mission.
The Pennsylvania Conference welcomes Michael Gayle, principal of Huntingdon Valley Christian Academy, to the new role of associate superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction.
With the Faith for Family evangelistic campaign just one weekend away, more than 1,820 people from across the conference joined members of 23 central Pennsylvania churches in door-to-door outreach. They focused their efforts on communities hosting Faith for Family seminars.
You don’t need any special gifts or abilities,” says Tamyra Horst, on being a prayer warrior. “You just need a willingness, an honest heart and a tenacity to not give up.” Here are a few tips from Horst and other prayer warriors in the Columbia Union.
Sometimes it seems like you get answers to simple prayers [a parking space, things you need that are on sale]. Other times the things that mean the most to you seem to take the longest, only to find out later that He hasn’t been silent,” says Tamyra Horst, a departmental director for the Pennsylvania Conference whose many roles include Prayer Ministries. There were moments in Horst’s life when she was angry her prayers weren’t working for the people she loved, but she didn’t stop praying. “What else would I do?” she says.
The doctors had given their prognosis. Linda and Craig Johnson responded by calling anyone who had been active in their daughter Hannah’s life: their local Pathfinder director at Pennsylvania Conference’s Blue Mountain Academy (BMA) church in Hamburg, pastors, church members, family and friends. They needed everyone to pray. Now!
At the Pennsylvania Conference Executive Committee, delegates elected Carlos Charnichart to serve as the new conference treasurer. His wife, Liz, also accepted an administrative assistant position in the conference office.
Marie-Claire Kaberamanzi, a second-year nursing major at Washington Adventist University in Takoma Park, Md., recently presented at the United Nations General Assembly.