Forty-eight church officers recently traveled to the Cumberland (Md.) church to attend the first of four officer training events given by the Mountain View Conference (MVC).
Mountain View Conference’s (MVC) goal to “Tell Somebody About Jesus” has extended beyond their own borders. In August 2022, four pastors and one of their wives left their own districts and made their way across state lines and conference borders to Columbus, Ohio.
Women from across the Mountain View Conference (MVC) territory recently made their way to Valley Vista Adventist Center in Huttonsville, W.Va., to attend the 31st annual Women’s Retreat.
The purpose for Mountain View Conference's recent New Believer's Retreat was to solidify new members in faith, reclaim discouraged members, and help all participants to better understand Seventh-day Adventist subculture.
A connection in Rainelle, W.Va., seemed to be predetermined by none other than the Lord Himself, who brought three families together for a higher purpose.
The 2022 Mountain View Conference (MVC) Camp Meeting, held at the Valley Vista Adventist Center in Huttonsville, W.Va., kicked off with a Gospel Jamboree for the neighboring communities.
Much of Mountain View Conference's West Virginia territory still waits to be reached with the Seventh-day Adventist message. Moorefield, a small town boasting a population of 3,000 with 500 Hispanics is one such place.
In late spring, the Mountain View Conference (MVC) hosted its first annual Lay Bible Worker Training at Valley Vista Adventist Center in Huttonsville, W.Va. The purpose of the training was to encourage Total Member Involvement.