New Vision Becomes Reality at Romney Church
Story by Liz Bailey
When Heroes Sical, pastor of the Romney (W.Va.) church, stepped inside the church seven years ago, the first thing he noticed was there was no baptistry, and many other things needed repairs. “It’s like McDonald’s advertising hamburgers and fries, but when you go inside, they have no burgers,” he says. “Likewise, we say we are here to save souls, but we have no way to baptize [people].” He opted to perform baptisms in a river or a sister church at the time.
Romney members became motivated to donate money and fundraise, raising enough money to start remodeling the unhealthy basement, then classrooms and an office. Late last year, they were finally ready to renovate the sanctuary.
As they were working on church repairs, including installing a baptistry, the Holy Spirit was working on people’s hearts. Jeane Holliday, a local school bus driver, happened to drive by the church one day and felt the desire to visit. The following Sabbath, she was warmly greeted by the members and quickly learned about upcoming evangelistic meetings. She and her husband, John, began to attend every Sabbath, and Dan Beavers, the church’s lay pastor, started giving them Bible studies. Around the same time, Robert Saldana, Jr., who had been searching for a home church, reached out to Romney members, asking for a ride to church. He, too, began taking Bible studies.
Earlier this year, as the sanctuary neared completion, members planned a celebration. The church was packed with members, new baptismal candidates, their families and friends, and Mountain View Conference administration, as they all came together to celebrate God’s blessings. For the first time in Romney’s history, members witnessed baptisms in their own church sanctuary, welcoming the Hollidays and Saldana into the family. Afterward, four more people came forward to commit their lives to God.
“It is a transitional point in our church,” states Sical. “We have a renovated sanctuary, a new building, new people, new Bible studies, and the Lord is really blessing us.”
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