We need to understand that near the close of earth’s harvest, there will be a special outpouring of spiritual grace to prepare each and every one of us for the coming of Christ.
Letting go of his possessions and reaching his hand to grasp what Jesus offered was too high a cost for the rich young ruler to pay for the free gift of eternal life. And while Jesus didn’t tell the young man to go, He didn’t beg him to stay either.
When I was a little boy living in the Dominican Republic, I used to save ants from the flood my mother created when she cleaned the concrete floor in our garage. I would take little leaves, straws, whatever was around, to save them. How terrible it was when even one didn’t make it. It pained me.
If all Christians would read and take to heart these verses daily, along with Philippians 4:8, which tells us to think on whatsoever is true, honest, just, pure, lovely and of good report, we would not have the problems in church we are faced with today. But the only way to attain, retain and maintain that fruit is by steadily focusing on Jesus; to “think on” Him continuously.