November 1, 2021: A Lasting Presence
I am privileged to have been blessed with the best parents, and, equally, in-laws. Although they now rest in hope of the resurrection glory, their joyous memories are with me. Christ Jesus is with me, too, and all of us.
Due to my own prodigal experiments at the age of 16, I was far away from home. Dad was busy with the Lord’s work, but kept a dozen prayer warriors praying for me at the conference church. Mom was overseas working on family projects so that all seven children could be educated.
On returning home, every child was present to greet her except for me. “Where is Joe?” She discovered my location in a faraway country, and visited me. It was such a joy and surprise to be with my parents again. I had just answered God’s call but was resigned to be a witness where I was. And now with Dad and Mom’s presence, I decided to follow God’s purpose in the context of family community—friendship, oneness and partnerships.
During this unprecedented season, what Christ declared is still relevant: “I am with you always.” No matter what is happening in this world, God’s promise is an intimate, continual guarantee for our eternal existence through His real presence. We can share His presence continually through His Word, the Holy Spirit, our guardian angel and devotional life.
Experience with me today, the assurance, blessing, deep joy and satisfaction gained from receiving the anointing of the spoken logos by the Logos. Feel His presence, sense His power and celebrate His amazing protection. He is our Savior, Deliverer, Healer, Teacher, Judge, and is ready and waiting to give us His glorious presence.
Lord, may “I am with you always” be our daily solution in 2021 and eternity. Amen.
Joseph M. Hutchinson is the interim pastor of the Prince Emmanuel All Nations church in Maryland.