Connecting Columbia Union Seventh-day Adventists

Columbia Union Ministries and Services: Multilingual Ministries

Seeking to inspire member participation in ministry through church planting, small groups and witnessing, Rubén Ramos, vice president for Multilingual Ministries, partnered with conference leaders to spearhead several initiatives.

This included training members to be disciples, hosting a festival of evangelism, as well as hosting numerous local church events.

In 2018 and again in 2020, Ramos and the conference Hispanic coordinators organized two series of caravans that visited a total of 100 locations around the union. At each event, leaders urged members to reach and pray for others in their circle of influence. In total, 7,000 Hispanic members committed to lead small groups or work to lead five friends to Christ.

Ramos rejoices that during the past five years, our multilingual churches (Hispanic, Haitian, Ghanaian, Brazilian, Filipino, etc.) have experienced a 31.7 percent growth and helped to plant 115 congregations. “We praise God because most of the 13,954 multilingual members who were baptized during this quinquennium were brought to Christ by a friend or a relative,” he says.

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