January 26, 2021: One Day Soon
“And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away” (Rev. 21:4, NKJV).
You never expect it will happen to you. On May 23, 2016, at around 11 a.m., my (seemingly) perfectly healthy 13-year-old son collapsed at school from a sudden cardiac arrest (SCA). Providentially, my husband and I, teachers at the small Adventist school, had recently been trained in CPR. But we never expected to use it beyond CPR class, let alone on our own son.
Approximately 90 percent of those who suffer an SCA die, yet despite all odds, our son survived and suffered no ill effects. Our family has been blessed, for not everyone has a happy ending to their story. That is why Revelation 21:4 means so much to me. I cannot wait for the day when there will be “no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying.” What a glorious day that will be!
God, I praise You for saving my son’s life and that Your Son will soon return to take us home, where pain will be a thing of the past. Amen.
Clare Hoover is the principal and a teacher at the Zanesville Adventist School in Ohio.
Read more Devotionals
January 25: Built in Him
January 26: One Day Soon
January 27: Thank You For Loving Me
January 28: Bearing Fruit
January 29: No Need to Operate
January 30: One Unforgettable Sabbath
January 31: Keep on Praying
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- Every Day—Read our Words of Life daily devotional book that features favorite Bible verses from members, pastors, students and leaders from across the Columbia Union. You can also read the devotionals on the Columbia Union app, and interact with the verses in our instagram stories.
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- Every Month—This calendar, themed “Words of Life,” coincides with the devotional book and videos. It features a biblical topic and verse each month, with additional passages for further exploration, study and ideas on how to apply the concepts in your daily life.