January 31, 2021: Keep on Praying
“Ask, and you will be given what you ask for. Seek, and you will find. Knock, and the door will be opened” (Matt. 7:7, TLB).
In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus explained to His disciples that prayer is a lifestyle, not just a group of moments in life. Jesus used a continuous tense for the three verbs here: “ask,” “seek” and “knock.” These verbs translate to “keep on asking,” “keep on seeking” and “keep on knocking.” These actions show us the different prayers we need in different situations in our lives.
“Keep on asking” refers to our needs, wants and wishes that reflect the Lord’s will in our lives. It is not pushing buttons to get what we want.
“Keep on seeking” tells us that we always have new things to learn. A life with Jesus is a continuous search for deeper knowledge of Him and what He is doing in each moment of our lives.
“Keep on knocking” demonstrates the power of our Lord Jesus to make all things possible. I may pray for an entire night to God like Daniel, or maybe a few days like Esther, or maybe more than 30 years like Joseph. If I keep on praying for His will to be done, I believe He will make the way to victory.
At the end of the three, we have an assurance of His response. “Keep on praying, and you will receive, find and the door will be opened.” Every time our lives are in constant communion with God, we will experience a deeper relationship with Him.
Dear God, help us to make prayer a lifestyle. Amen.
Ignacio Goya is the director for Chesapeake Conference’s Adventist Community Services.
Read more Devotionals
January 25: Built in Him
January 26: One Day Soon
January 27: Thank You For Loving Me
January 28: Bearing Fruit
January 29: No Need to Operate
January 30: One Unforgettable Sabbath
January 31: Keep on Praying
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