The second Friday night of each month, Carnegie, Pa., hosts the “Carnegie Crawl,” where Main Street businesses stay open late with live music and special events throughout the town. One local Adventist church is participating!
Visit Pieter Damsteegt’s Instagram page, @imagineishful, and you’ll see artificial intelligence-generated images of the terrible beast of Daniel 7:7, a Babylon city park circa 600 B.C.
More than 2,000 Pathfinders recently attended "Relentless," the 2022 Columbia Union Camporee held at Summit Bechtel Reserve in Glen Jean, W.Va. (Watch videos from the camporee here, too!)
We all know to drink enough water, eat nutritious foods, and exercise regularly. But what about sleep? This oft-forgotten health habit is crucial to living a healthy life. Here’s what you need to know about sleeping well this holiday season.
When the pandemic hit, I witnessed a decrease in youth attending church and a lack of leaders available to minister to those who remained. This afforded me the opportunity to step up and make a difference.
Many church members work hard to reach out to the community, but they sometimes forget to make their churches easy to locate and don’t know the best strategies to welcome visitors. These resources can help.
El personal del Ohio Conference's Campamento Mohaven solo tuvo unos minutos para reaccionar cuando los tornados arrasaron recientemente la propiedad en Danville, Ohio.