“We believe in sharing God’s blessings with our entities,” said Columbia Union Conference Treasurer Emmanuel Asiedu. “[We] want to give $550,000 back to our entities to support the mission. [We’re] giving the money now so we can share the blessings now.”
Los miembros y sus líderes plantaron un récord de 65 iglesias en la Unión de Columbia en el 2019, informa Frank Bondurant, vicepresidente de Desarrollo de Ministerios.
“We support the development of new churches so as to establish a presence in communities that are not being served by our existing congregations, including in major urban centers like Baltimore, Reading, Pa., and Washington, D.C.,” says Frank Bondurant.
Though Kosly Joseph may not have seen his future as a pastor, multiple people questioned if he had considered the ministry or if he was a pastor before becoming one..
As the sun begins to rise, so do the students at Blue Mountain Academy (BMA)—for a 6:30 a.m. exercise class. Principal Burney Culpepper runs them through a vigorous morning workout. (Get tips on how you can create a fitness routine that works for you too!)
Thinking about attending a wellness camp in the Mountain View Conference or Pennsylvania Conference? Mention the Visitor when registering for a
10% discount.
A Blue Mountain Academy bell choir student was recently recognized with an award given to one bell choir student each year from across the North American Division who “demonstrates outstanding leadership in the art of handbells."
Earlier this year, Pennsylvania Conference's Grace Outlet church (GO) moved into its own facility after 10 years of renting. Since its beginning, GO members have had a strong focus on serving their community.
As the time neared closer to the start of their monthlong series, Tom Stone, pastor of Pennsylvania Conference’s Reading Kenhorst Boulevard church, welcomed 40 church and community members alike for opening night.