Connecting Columbia Union Seventh-day Adventists

Ohio Conference

Kettering College’s occupational therapy doctoral (OTD) program received notice from the ACOTE of full accreditation status on Tuesday, December 12, 2017. ACOTE voted to grant a status of accredited for a period of seven years, which is the maximum amount given for initial accreditation.

The doctors had given their prognosis. Linda and Craig Johnson responded by calling anyone who had been active in their daughter Hannah’s life: their local Pathfinder director at Pennsylvania Conference’s Blue Mountain Academy (BMA) church in Hamburg, pastors, church members, family and friends. They needed everyone to pray. Now!

There is a strong drug epidemic and high risk of drug overdose in the Elyria and Lorain Ohio community. In response to this, members of Ohio Conference’s Elyria church, some who are recovering from addiction, run a long-standing women's’ ministry and a brand-new men’s’ ministry to build community with those in need. See how this church is providing a warm, accepting space for healing.