Book Release: From Welfare to Warfare
Story by Sylvia Urrutia
For many years, Peggy Allen struggled with Bipolar Disorder. She spent many years in and out of mental hospitals. Her life seemed to always be back at square one and she felt like she couldn’t get anywhere.
Then she found God and boldly prayed for healing. “I said, God, if you have a plan for me, you’re going to have to heal me because I can’t do it like this,” recalls Allen. “Then, I got into the Word, and He changed me!”
For 30 years, Allen has lived free from her mental illness. Seeing what God did in her life inspired her to find a way to help others that struggle the way she did. What better way then to write a book focusing on how God changed and healed her.
A major theme throughout her memoir, From Welfare to Warfare, is God grants the desires of heart heart if the person praying allows Him to work in their life. Allen hopes that through her story, many will see God’s healing power in their lives and turn to Him.
As a way to give back to God, all proceeds from her book go directly to her church, Ohio Conference’s Wilmington church, which is in desperate need of a new parking lot and cannot afford it. “I thought, its not fair I have a parking lot, but God doesn’t. So I decided God can bless through this book so the church can have a new blacktop,” she says.
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