Connecting Columbia Union Seventh-day Adventists


November 15, 2021: Pray and Believe

“Then Jesus looked up to heaven and said, ‘Father, thank You for hearing Me. You always hear Me’”(John 11:41–42, NLT).

Have you ever felt like God doesn’t hear you when you pray? I had the privilege of listening to a message at a recent women’s retreat. Here are some points the speaker shared, who paraphrased the story in John 11:

Mary and Martha personally sent a messenger to Jesus, asking that He come heal Lazarus. Yet Jesus waited two days. The Bible says He loved Mary, Martha and Lazarus, but He still waited. When He finally did go, both Mary and Martha independently asked Him, “Why didn’t you come? Our brother died!!”

Seeing Mary crying, Jesus’ heart was so touched that He wept. He saw His friends in so much pain, and He felt their pain as well. Even though she didn’t understand, Martha’s faith didn’t waiver, and she said, “I know that whatever You ask of God, He will do it.” Then, at the moment Jesus was about to do something, Martha—with good intentions—tried to get in the way. “Lord, it will smell! Don’t do that!” she cried.

When Jesus prayed to His Father, He said, “Father, thank You for hearing Me. You always hear me, but I said it out loud for the sake of all these people standing here, so that they will believe you sent me.”

When life doesn’t go the way you think it should, don’t let your faith waiver, and don’t get in God’s way. God hears, and answered prayers bring glory to God!

Thank You, Father, for hearing us when we pray. May we never be discouraged by doubt, and may we always trust in Your timing. And when our prayers are answered, give us the courage to speak out and to give all the praise and glory to You! Amen.

Monica Zill is the principal at Parkersburg Adventist Academy in West Virginia.

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