Finding creative ways to minister to young adults is a well-known challenge, not only in the Seventh-day Adventist Church, but within other denominations as well. Allegheny West Conference's Connection Community church in Columbus, Ohio, is engaging the young adult community in authentic and effective ways.
Veronica Felix is usually one of the first faces members and visitors see upon entering Allegheny West Conference's Southeast church in Cleveland, Ohio. Family and friends know her as a person who can be depended on for an encouraging word, heartfelt prayer and a smile.
Allegheny West Conference began the process of planning camp meeting just three weeks before going live. Prior to that, we made the decision to cancel camp meeting because of COVID-19, and decided to hunker down until the pandemic was over.
It’s 3 p.m. and 15 cars fill the parking spaces at the Central church in Columbus, Ohio. Teenagers, young adults and older adults gather together, ready to serve the large homeless population on the Westside of downtown Columbus.
“We believe in sharing God’s blessings with our entities,” said Columbia Union Conference Treasurer Emmanuel Asiedu. “[We] want to give $550,000 back to our entities to support the mission. [We’re] giving the money now so we can share the blessings now.”