Connecting Columbia Union Seventh-day Adventists

Allegheny West Conference

News from the Allegheny West Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.

Event Shiloh Cincinnati Church

Imagine receiving free consolations with a dentist, medical doctor, lawyer, psychiatrist, psychologist and nutritionist all at the same location. The conference’s Family Ministries Department recently gathered these resources and hosted the “Building Healthy Families for Eternity” event at the Shiloh Cincinnati (Ohio) church.

Columbus All Nations church member Irene Nyaachi

From its humble beginnings leasing a small space to a church boasting members representing all regions of the African continent, the Columbus All Nations church (CANSDA) stands as a testament to God’s ability to multiply their efforts. Dedicated on September 19, 2009, CANSDA will host a monthlong thanksgiving celebration this year to commemorate the 10-year anniversary of the church.