Allegheny West Youth: Talented and Gifted
Story by Keisha Bone
The Allegheny West Conference (AWC) youth are talented and gifted, say leaders. During the 2024 International Camporee in Gillette, Wyo., the conference’s Pathfinders participated in drills, community service projects, flag raising, honors and the international parade. The food services team, led by Executive Secretary Joel Johnson and his wife, Alicia, provided meals for the conference campers and international campers from China, Korea and Africa. Led by Director Charmaine Martin, the drill team, comprised of Pathfinders (pictured, left to right) Marvin Dumay, Thokozani Kulemeka, Nayeli Fequiere, Samiyah Jennings, Nathan Raymond, Kursten Eugene, Wynton Nelson and Jasmyn Joiner, captured third place in the basic drill competition. The spirit of unity and resiliency among the Pathfinders was marvelous and motivating. They believed His promise and experienced His power!
Emerging from the camporee are Pathfinders who demonstrated a passion for salvation and service, which inspired the Youth Ministries Department to launch a new strategic plan under the theme, “Talented & Gifted!” The Apostle Paul, in 1 Corinthians 12:7, wrote that “a spiritual gift is given to each of us so we can help each other” (NLT).
As we prepare for the Second Coming of Christ, our vision seeks to prepare youth as candidates for heaven with spiritual gifts and talents to advance God’s kingdom mission in their church, campus and community. Regardless of age, status or education, “to every person is committed some peculiar gift or talent which is to be used to advance the Redeemer’s kingdom” (Ellen G. White, Testimonies for the Church, vol. 4, p. 618).
Across our conference, “youthful talent, well organized and well trained, is needed in our churches” (White, Gospel Workers, p. 211). Therefore, the mission is to enlist, equip, engage, evangelize and empower youth for salvation and service through mentorship for mission. James 1:17 encourages that “every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows” (NIV).
AWC’s talented and gifted youth are not the next generation; with their skills and talent, they are the generation of now! They are invited as “young men and young women … as soldiers of Christ enlist in the work, putting all your tact and skill and talents into the Master’s services, that you may save souls from ruin” (General Conference Bulletin, April 19, 1901, par. 1).
By providing youth preacher’s training, implementing mission-driven clubs and celebrating youth month for mentorship, AWC youth will discover and develop their talents and gifts for the Master that revive their local churches for mission.
AWC believes that “young men and young women, if you are true disciples of Christ, you will consecrate every talent, and be able to reach out for the unconverted, by ways and methods, that will be effective. You will be active working agencies for Christ” (The Youth’s Instructor, January 17, 1911, par. 2).
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