Do you have a desire to be used by God for the building of His kingdom, but you’re not sure where to start? He is ready and willing to give you what you need. Here are a few simple ways to get started.
Leaders are encouraging increased Bible reading, study and memorization, and providing opportunities for members to contemplate and share how the Bible impacts their lives in meaningful ways.
La Unión de Columbia está celebrando el 2021 como el Año de la Biblia al promover un fuerte enfoque en la primacía de la Palabra de Dios, alentar una mayor lectura, estudio y memorización de la Biblia y brindar oportunidades para que los miembros de todas las edades contemplen y compartan cómo la Biblia impacta sus vidas de manera significativa.
El Comité Ejecutivo de la Unión de Columbia eligió a Rick Remmers como secretario ejecutivo de la unión. Remmers (fotografiado con su esposa, Shayne) comenzó su nuevo cargo en enero para cubrir la vacante dejada por Rob Vandeman, quien anunció planes para retirarse durante el 2021.
In my 35 years of ministry, these verses have carried me through many storms and blessings. This passage became even more relevant when I got into a terrible car accident.
When I think about the fruit of the Spirit, some fruits stick out more than others. They are all important, but love, patience, faithfulness and self-control are the ones that mean the most to me.