My husband and I, teachers at the small Adventist school, had recently been trained in CPR. But we never expected to use it beyond CPR class, let alone on our own son.
The text states that as I grow in Christ and my life is built on Him, then the natural overflow will be thankfulness, for the fruit of a mature Christian is thankfulness.
As the days went on, I proclaimed to family, “Praise the Lord, our prayers have been answered.” But on April 9, when she finally got the results back showing she was positive for COVID-19, my faith started to waver.
Jeremiah’s words were born during a time of national and personal crisis, when all hope seemed to have disappeared. His words mean even more to me now during my own personal health crisis. God has had a way to help me see His faithfulness every day.
We should not be afraid during this time, because, if we listen to God, then we will have the same faith that Daniel had when he was thrown into the lion’s den. We can trust in Him during good and bad times.
During this special year, we invite you to join us in spending more time reading the Bible, digging deeper for knowledge and understanding, and meditating on its precepts, promises and prophecies.
2021 seemed like a great time, as a Columbia union family, to spend a little extra time in our Bibles. To facilitate this special initiative, we are sharing many opportunities to dig deeper into the Bible, including producing videos (like this one!)
Ten months into the pandemic, many churches and schools are still meeting virtually. The Visitor staff asked leaders around the union what they’ve learned about online ministry during this time, and gleaned tips on how local leaders can make the most of these important communication tools
We are accustomed to saying “I’m fine” whenever we are asked how we are doing, when, in reality, we could be feeling angry, sad, confused and helpless—the complete opposite of fine.