During this special year, we invite you to join us in spending more time reading the Bible, digging deeper for knowledge and understanding, and meditating on its precepts, promises and prophecies. We're created the following resources to help.
If all Christians would read and take to heart these verses daily, along with Philippians 4:8, which tells us to think on whatsoever is true, honest, just, pure, lovely and of good report, we would not have the problems in church we are faced with today. But the only way to attain, retain and maintain that fruit is by steadily focusing on Jesus; to “think on” Him continuously.
This text reminds me that even though this life’s journey is riddled with challenges, I can move forward with confidence in Christ. To dwell on yesterday’s failures is not part of God’s plan. Instead, I learn from the past and move forward toward the heavenly prize—home with the Lord. By pressing on, I thrive.
Graduation had just ended. The tired mommy shifted an infant girl from one side to the other. “I would love to have my children at your school,” she said. “I can see from this graduation program how much your church members love their school.”
This verse reminds me of the importance of focusing on and filling my mind with that which is good. In fact, it tells me to focus on Christ—the One who perfectly embodies truth—with honesty and all that is just, pure, lovely and of good report.
The tender pleading of the Father’s Spirit—wooing, entreating and drawing this wanderer to the Father’s heart of love—awakened my soul to return to God.
In the time we are living, especially with this pandemic, Revelation 21:4 fills me with hope and happiness because Jesus is coming soon, and there will be no more pain or crying.
This verse reminds me of the power that words have, and that I have to watch what I say. Words can either encourage or destroy, and, because they can stick in one’s mind forever, they can positively or negatively affect the lives of others. This is important to me because I have not always been careful with my words, and have hurt people as a result.