August 21, 2021: Before We Call
“Before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear” (Isa. 65:24, KJV).
My husband and I live in rural Ohio with our two daughters, sons-in-law and five delightful granddaughters. Our family farm is named “Winds of Faith Farm.” One day, God did something incredible.
I was busy in the house in southern Ohio, when all of a sudden my youngest granddaughters, Lydia and Gabrielle, bolted through the front door with terror on their young faces.
They screamed that our beloved mini-horse Dumplin had somehow gotten out of his stall and was galloping toward the road. The thought of what my granddaughters might witness was too much! But what to do?
For sure we could not catch up to him. I looked into the faces of my frantic granddaughters and did the only thing I knew to do. I prayed that God would send an angel to stop Dumplin before he got to the road.
My granddaughters and I looked up to see a truly unbelievable sight. Only a few yards from the road, Dumplin suddenly stopped and turned around, as if an unseen hand was leading him. He trotted back to the barn, stopped at the barn door and gently walked into his stall. We quickly slid the stall door closed and immediately knelt down to thank God for sending his angel to bring Dumplin back to us unharmed. What a faith builder!
As unbelievable as this story may sound, I know that two little girls and their grandmother will always remember the day an angel led their little horse away from danger back to safety. Never underestimate the power of prayer and the love of our wonderful God who hears us before we call.
Lord, thank You for always hearing and answering. Amen.
Madeline Whittle is a member of the Hillsboro church in Ohio.