During this special year, we invite you to join us in spending more time reading the Bible, digging deeper for knowledge and understanding, and meditating on its precepts, promises and prophecies. We're created the following resources to help.
Jeremiah 29:11 has become one of my favorite texts. It helps me remember that God is in control of my life. He wants me to rely on Him and to implement His plans.
Since the time I was baptized into the Seventh-day Adventist Church
as a teenager, I must admit my faith has teetered. I finally embraced the fact that having a daily scheduled time with God is imperative to my survival.
College is a hard time for most young adults. Personally, that period of my life was lonely and discouraging, full of seemingly endless work on top of regular everyday life while figuring out how to be and act like an adult.
When I was a little boy living in the Dominican Republic, I used to save ants from the flood my mother created when she cleaned the concrete floor in our garage. I would take little leaves, straws, whatever was around, to save them. How terrible it was when even one didn’t make it. It pained me.