August 14, 2021: Jesus, Please Come Soon!
“He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death, or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away” (Rev. 21:4, NIV).
In the time we are living, especially with this pandemic, Revelation 21:4 fills me with hope and happiness because Jesus is coming soon, and there will be no more pain or crying. Recently, in a class in my Pathfinder’s club, we studied the first vision of Ellen White. That gave me even more hope, knowing that this will all happen, and that very soon we will live in a better place.
Pain or sadness can come in many ways, like the death of a loved one, a sickness, parents divorcing, hunger, poverty, injustice, etc. A few months ago, I lived an experience that for many would probably not be important, but for me it was. Jesus tells us to be obedient, which makes each of us different. Being different brought big changes in one of my most important friendships. The moments that we were together started to disappear, and there were times when I felt like I was alone, but Jesus never leaves me alone. I know that everything that I went through was one of the many difficulties that I will have during the time we are in this world.
We all go through difficult times, but we should always remember the promises of God and that soon He will come again.
Dear Jesus, I want You to come soon! Amen.
Marianna Guzmán is a sixth-grader at the Takoma Academy Preparatory School in Maryland.