Meet the 'Relentless' 2022 Social Media Influencers
Story by V. Michelle Bernard
During each evening meeting at the "Relentless" Columbia Union Conference Pathfinder Camporee, social media influencers Tigor Lettsome and Diana Brazoban take the stage.
The duo reminds attendees to use the camporee’s hashtag: #Relentless2022—hoping to spread camporee fun beyond the Summit Bechtel Reserve Campground in Glen Jean, W.Va.
Lettsome, a student at Washington Adventist University in Takoma Park, Md., has been a member of Potomac Conference’s Beltsville Broncos for eight years. Brazoban, an eighth-grader, has been a member of Potomac’s Sligo Challengers for four years.
Pathfinders on-site (along with their families and friends back at home) are not only watching videos of Lettsome and Brazoban; they, themselves, are also in social media videos participating in the camporee events.
Brazoban says she is most looking forward to experiencing the zipline and talking to new people. She thinks that sharing camporee memories on social media will be a great way to remember the event.
“I can’t wait to see kids having the amazing and fun experiences I got to enjoy as a kid and making even more memories with the Pathfinders I’ll meet,” says Lettsome. “I hope to see the Pathfinders actively showing their experiences and memorable moments with others, to either be adventurous or to find out more about Pathfinders.”
Visit Columbia Union Visitor’s Instagram and TikTok accounts to view the camporee videos, and share your own camporee memories on social media by using #Relentless2022.
Watch the camporee livestream each night at facebook.com/columbiaunionvisitor and see even more coverage on our social media channels:
Instagram: columbiaunionpathfinders
TikTok: columbiaunionpathfinders
Facebook: columbiaunionvisitor
Twitter: visitornews
Read More About the Camporee
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