Pathfinders Baptized, Two Invested on Sabbath at 'Relentless' Camporee
Story by V. Michelle Bernard
Phoenix X. Pauling, a member of Chesapeake Conference’s Pikesville Tigers (Md.), was one of the Pathfinders baptized during the Sabbath morning service at the "Relentless" Columbia Union Camporee.
Other baptismal candidates included Joash and Demetria Garcia, members of the Richmond Brazilian club; Zoe Yoash Cepeda of the Oxen Warriors in Maryland; and Allen Lee from the Highland View High Flyers (Md.). Siblings Rachel, Angel and Elizabeth Tubsum, members of the Community Praise church Panthers in Virginia, were pleasantly surprised when their mother, Josephine, joined them in the baptismal pool.
“These Pathfinders begin a new life in Jesus Christ. One that starts here on earth, but that will continue for ceaseless ages in heaven," said Frank Bondurant, camporee planning chair and vice president of Ministries Development for the Columbia Union. He also made an appeal to the other Pathfinders to consider taking baptismal lessons.
Later in the program, Dehual and Wendy Aceituno Prado (pictured with their kids), leaders from Potomac Conference's Woodbridge Spanish Redwoods Club (Va.), were invested as Master Guides. The Prados have been serving together in youth ministry since before they got married.
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