February 23, 2021: Knock at the Door
“Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me” (Rev. 3:20, NKJV).
To me, this verse is one of the most personal, heartfelt invitations in the Bible. So often we think of Revelation as the book about the antichrist, the mark of the beast, or the seven last plagues. But first and foremost, it is a book where Jesus patiently waits for us to surrender our hearts to Him so that He can love and lead us.
There have been times in my life when I have been frustrated with God. Times I didn’t understand why He was letting certain things happen. Times where I felt He was seemingly ignoring my prayers. Sometimes those frustrations grew to the point where I didn’t spend time with Him in daily devotions, and, as a result, experienced the feeling of being separated from Him.
But this verse reminds me that God never leaves me nor forsakes me. He doesn’t abandon me to the detours of life, or leave me to drown in my negative thoughts and emotions. He’s been patiently and continually knocking on the door—waiting for me to surrender my heart again and let Him in.
I’m thankful He understands our frustrations. I’m thankful He is a faithful Friend. But I’m most thankful that, in His everlasting love, He never stops knocking.
Thank You, God, that we mean too much for You to stop knocking. Amen.
David M. Klinedinst is the evangelism director for the Chesapeake Conference.
February 22: You Can Call Me "The Hallelujah"
February 23: Knock at the Door
February 24: Two Are Better Than One
February 25: Only God Can Do That
February 26: God Chose Me
February 27: Battling the What-Ifs
February 28: Go for It!
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