“How does a church school grow from only two classrooms, two teachers, and 37 students to a K–8 school with 150-plus students, 12 classrooms, nine full-time teachers, a principal, instructional and administrative aides, and many volunteers?”
After 10 years, Darren Wilkins, principal of Ohio Conference's Spring Valley Academy, announced his departure and is the new vice president for Student Life at Walla Walla University.
Francisco Pérez knew about the Adventist message years ago in his home country of Mexico. However, he slowly found himself turning away from God and following a path of addictions and bad decisions.
The high school entrepreneurship class at Spring Valley Academy explores and covers a world of topics, including intro to business, marketing, selling and creating a business plan, along with activities to reinforce concepts such as creating products from creation to distribution.
This year, the Ohio Conference’s Hispanic Ministries Department has initiated a strategy called “2023 Miracles” with a goal to baptize 1,000 people during 2023.
Ohio Conference's Spring Valley Academy is pleased to announce that senior Rebekah Shull has been named as a semifinalist in the 2023 National Merit Scholarship Program.
Another year has come to a close, and we can honestly say that God has not only been with us but has truly led and blessed the children, high school youth, young adults and adults of Ohio.