Last month Hercules Pinkney, EdD, an elder at the Allegheny East Conference Breath of Life church in Fort Washington, Md., was recently named Leader of the Year for Montgomery County, Maryland.
Denny Grady, who serves as Youth Ministries director for the Potomac Conference, will add Columbia Union Conference coordinator for youth to his responsibilities.
Veteran educator Yvette Cooper recently accepted a call to become superintendent of Education for the Allegheny West Conference (AWC) based in Columbus, Ohio.
After 35 years in healthcare administration, Francisco J. “Frank” Perez (pictured), CEO of Ohio-based Kettering Adventist HealthCare (KAHC), today announced plans to retire.
Marie Schaub, a member of Chesapeake Conference’s Spencerville church in Silver Spring, Md., was recently recognized for her work in domestic violence education.
Adventist Behavioral Health (ABH) announced the completion of its new Magnolia Unit, an acute inpatient psychiatry unit for senior adults 60 years and older.
A team of rehabilitation experts from Adventist HealthCare’s Adventist Rehabilitation Hospital of Maryland spent a week in earthquake-ravished Haiti to provide rehabilitation care to patients with amputations, spinal cord injuries and orthopedic injuries from January’s earthquake.