Life can get overwhelming. Each month WGTS 91.9 staff share a short film that adds perspective to those very real moments we all face, reminding you there is hope through Jesus. Watch the "Turn the Page" here.
When a concert comes to the Washington D.C. anything can happen, and recently it did. WGTS staffers and listeners were surprised when the Secret Service showed up at the Michael W. Smith and Amy Grant Christmas Show.
At its November 2017 session, the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) reaffirmed the accreditation of Washington Adventist University (WAU). “This is a big deal,” said WAU President Weymouth Spence, Ed.D. "We are justifiably proud of our reaccreditation."
On May 8, 1957, in the basement of the men’s dormitory on the campus of then Washington Missionary College, WGTS 91.9 started broadcasting on a 10-watt transmitter, covering a scant square mile in Takoma Park, Md.
El 8 de mayo de 1957, en el sótano del hogar de varones en el campus del entonces Colegio Misionero de Washington, WGTS 91.9 comenzó a emitir en un transmisor de 10 vatios, cubriendo apenas una milla cuadrada en Takoma Park, Md.