Connecting Columbia Union Seventh-day Adventists

This Month's Issue

Every five years representatives elect union leadership, receive reports from union leaders and entities, and vote on general decisions and church business. Reports on finances, church membership, auditing and other statistics are also received and voted. The session delegates will also vote on any proposed changes to the union constitution and bylaws. Watch videos shown at the session and read stories written there.

In this quinquennial report, Columbia Union Conference President Dave Weigley shares how the union's leadership team has worked to grow the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the mid-Atlantic region of the United States through healthcare, education, evangelism, the development of new ministries and innovative initiatives.

The Emotional Wellness Summit, held January 13-17 in Orlando, Fla., was designed for health professionals and leaders, pastors and those who want to know more about prevention, treatment and recovery strategies for better mental health. Two union attendees answer our question about the event, sponsored by the North American Division Adventist Health Ministries, the South American Division and General Conference.